what is nogova crimes?

Nogova Crimes is a multiplayer role play mission for Operation Flashpoint with three teams fighting against each other:

  • The first is called "The Familia". The Members are snotnosed and just think the law applies to someone else.
  • The second is "The Gang", a group of bikers, that like to drive choppers and cause trouble.
  • The third playable fraction is the Police of Nogova. Needless to say what they have to do...

More informations about Nogova Crimes


Nogova Crimes
Nogova Crimes
Nogova Crimes
Nogova Crimes

More screenshots are avaiable in the gallery

required Addons

KF Server PackTo play Nogova Crimes you need some addons which are collected in the "KF Server Pack" (current version is 1.5). You can download it here:

Read more about the installation of the KF Server Pack here